
Moonstone Fantasy Skirmish Game - Leshavult Expansion

Created by Goblin King Games

Moonstone - the Wonderfully Whimsical Tabletop Skirmish Game, returns to Kickstarter with a brand new faction!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Moonstone returns to Kickstarter - 5 June 2021!
over 3 years ago – Sat, May 01, 2021 at 05:42:02 PM

Greetings Moonstone Hunters!

We have some VERY exciting news - Goblin King Games will be returning to Kickstarter in just over one months time - 5th June 2021 with a brand new expansion for Moonstone - The Arising!

The Arising expansion book, Diana Enraged miniature and Campaign Deck

The Arising expansion includes a brand new book featuring campaign rules; new scenarios; recent and unreleased characters rules and background; some explosive developments in the narrative and a few surprises too! 

There will also be a brand new card deck featuring 106 Campaign and Upgrade cards, and of course, no Kickstarter campaign would be complete without a limited edition miniature!

Diana Enraged - Kickstarter Exclusive Limited Edition miniature, only available during The Arising campaign!

You can find out more information about The Arising campaign and sign-up for email alerts on our website:

It has also come to our attention recently that some backers have not received the automated email with a link to download the digital wallpapers offered as a free stretch goal last campaign. If this includes you then we apologise for the glitch and you can download them by following this link:

As always we'd love for you to stay in touch with us online and join our wonderful, friendly and growing community. As well as our Moonstone Players Group on Facebook (which recently hit 1000 members!) you can now also join our Discord Server and follow us on Instagram.

Until next time, stay safe, there are strange things going on in Tauber...


Fulfilment Complete!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Mar 06, 2020 at 01:46:52 AM

Good Day Moonstone Hunters,

We are pleased to say that the final set of pledges were set out this week! We would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone for your support and patience during the fulfilment process. I'm sure many of you realise that running a small games company comes with many challenges, and your support in this campaign was vital to the continuing growth of this game. We simply could not have done this without you! :)

What to do if you haven't had your pledge yet?

UK backers should have recieved their pledges by early next week. If you haven't had yours by the 11th March, feel free to reach out to us via email at [email protected]. Non-UK backers may have to wait a little longer, as occasionally orders can be held up in customs which is beyond our control. However feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if your order is still not with you by March 16th.

Stay in touch

As always, to stay abreast of all the latest moonstone news join the Moonstone Players Group on Facebook. You can also find us on Twitter, Instagram and on a Discord Server for those not on Facebook.

Until Next Time,


Fulfilment Progress Update
over 4 years ago – Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 12:15:20 AM

Good-day Moonstone Hunters!

Fulfilment Progress

First an apology. We have been a bit thin on updates recently. The reason is we have been sure that the ‘Fulfilment Complete’ announcement was just around the next corner and so we have been holding off an update until we can say just that. Many of you we know have already received your pledges and the feedback on the quality has warmed our hearts and proved that efforts targeted at Quality Assurance for this Kickstarter have paid off. Unfortunately however, due to the sheer number of man hours required to pick & pack and staffing issues at our fulfilment agent, not all pledges have so far been sent. Of the approximately 500 pledges to be processed, 80 remain. If you are one of those 80 we are very sorry, rest assured your order will be sent! We are now expecting the final order to be in the post around the end of this month.

Thank you for your patience.


In other news:

Mini Painting Studio

Goblin King Games has begun working with a new Paint Studio and we are please to reveal some of the Leshvault miniatures that have been completed so far (pending a few minor changes).

A Witch in Time Troupe Box
Zorya, Dawn Witch Kickstarter Exclusive Pose (added for free to Backers a Witch in Time Box sets)
The Cursed Troupe Box
Anya Bartol / Stryga Transformation
Brother Daniel and Kavanagh


We are also doing a promotion this month to celebrate Faerie-February, the ancient Fae festival of rebirth, and are offering 20% OFF all our Faerie Miniatures along with our Rulebook via our Web-store this month. 

This wonderfully colourful Faerie Troupe was painted by Eric Geer

To make use of the offer, use discount code "FAERIE-FEB" or follow the link:

Book 2 - Ascension

Work is well underway for our follow-up Hardback Book for Moonstone with the working title of ‘Ascension’. This will be a new supplement for the game adding:

  • 36 new characters including all the new Leshavult Characters from this Kickstarter and 3 additional members of the faction as well as extra brand new characters for Commonwealth and Dominion players.
  • 72 new Event and Agenda cards - including some that are Leshavult only.
  • Full Campaign Rules (currently in active Beta testing!).
  • 9 New Story Scenarios.
  • 100 pages of background stories, artwork, miniature and game photography to delight your eyeballs and imagination.
  • Clarifications and expansion of the core rules with regard to corner-case situations with detailed examples of play.

We don’t have a release date confirmed as yet but our goal is to see the book in print before year end.

New miniatures from the book are already designed and mastered, and have been play-tested through the past 12 months so expect a new wave of releases to be announced as soon as a line has been drawn under Kickstarter Fulfilment.

Mischief and Mayhem II: Electric Grubaloo

Mischief and Mayhem, the hugely successful Moonstone Tournament run in January in Bristol UK, is returning! The event is capped at 16 Players and 15 tickets were sold for the last one so act now to secure your place. Tickets (£7 for 4 games of Moonstone and includes a welcome gift and prizes for winner and best painted) can be bought via the Event Page on Facebook:

Mayhem & Mischief in full swing
The all Gnome Top-table battle.

You can hear about the winning Gnome strategy used and other competative Troupe Builds on Mooncast Episode 19.

Stay in touch

As always, to stay abreast of all the latest moonstone news join the Moonstone Players Group on Facebook. You can also find us on Twitter, Instagram and on a Discord Server for those not on Facebook.

Until Next Time,


‘Twas the night before Grimblesnaacht
almost 5 years ago – Mon, Dec 23, 2019 at 09:39:11 PM

Merry Grimblesnaacht Moonstone Hunters!

Hopefully Old Grimblesnaacht is on his way to you right now with his Rocket Powered Frog laden with Moonstone goodies to drop down your hearth — or just perhaps, he's already been? With a little over half of the 500 Wave 2 Kickstarter orders dispatched at time of writing, some wonderfully painted Leshavult Miniatures and Terrain are already starting to appear on our Social Media pages! Here's just two that particularly caught our eye:

Moonstone Buildings by Arla Kean
Adorable and completely harmless (Murder) bunnies painted by Daniel Garret

If you haven't received your order yet, there is no need to be alarmed! Our worshop elves have been working feverishly over the festive period assembing units, checking miniatures, labelling, double checking, packing postage boxes, booking carriage and the many other tasks needed to complete each order. We're pleased to say there has been no major hiccups and its simply a matter of the elf-hours needed to process all 500 orders. The remaining orders not yet sent will be sent over the next few weeks and we really appreciate your patience with this. :) As soon as the final order has been sent we will make another anouncement here!

Merry Grimbsnaacht - a Festive Scenario!

Finally if you're fitting in a game or two during the holiday period why not give this festive scenario written by one of our Goblin Scheme members Mark Tarver a try? 

"Fantastic rules, which ended up with fits of laughter and lots of chocolate consumed, socks being given out by Grimblesnaacht and Butterfingers ending up on the naught list in a bad way." according to Thomas Whitworth on the Moonstone Players Facebook group yesterday who was playing with his Goblin Pirates - one of our recent non-Kickstarter releases.

Mark Tarver's Humans on the Hunt for Presents!
Christopher Noris's Theiving Faeries
Always first to find the booty! Goblin Pirates Painted by Thomas Whitworth

Until next time, may many a Moonstone grow beneath your Grimbsnaacht Tree this year and for many more years to come!

Goblin King Games

Wave 2 Shipping has begun!
almost 5 years ago – Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 09:34:02 PM

Joyous Day Moonstone Hunters,

We are very pleased to say that Wave 2 shipping is now underway! We visited our fulfilment agent's premises to oversee the packing of the first handful of orders in person last week and iron out any last issues but overall everything was looking great!

Thats a LOT of Terrain Packs ready to go!
All miniatures, cast, sorted and ready for packing!
The sorting process begins.
The first 6 orders, picked, packed and on their way to the mail room!

Please be aware that with nearly 500 orders to pack, the process is not instant and will take around 4-5 weeks before until we can announce the final order has been dispatched. It is our aim however to have all orders shipped before Christmas!

As always to stay abreast of all the latest news join the Moonstone Players Group on facebook!

Until Next time,