
Moonstone Fantasy Skirmish Game - Leshavult Expansion

Created by Goblin King Games

Moonstone - the Wonderfully Whimsical Tabletop Skirmish Game, returns to Kickstarter with a brand new faction!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Resin Samples, MDF Terrain, and more!
about 5 years ago – Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 01:38:29 AM

Dearest Cultists of the Leshavult,

Today we bring wonderful tidings, as the superb castings at TTCombat have brought us offerings worthy for the Entropic god itself!

Firstly it is with great pleasure to reveal the resin masters of almost all of our Kickstarter

The End is Nigh & Loubard the Giant
The Wild Things, and Boris the Bunny Summoner
A Witch in Time, including Kickstarter Exclusive alternative Zorya
The Cursed

 But that is not all! 

Oh no! 

For we also have the two sets of scatter terrain!

The Dankwood Forest
Longbottom Village

But what is this! 

You still want more?

Well as you asked so nicely, we even have the MDF Terrain ready to show off! 

Agatha's Tavern
Cottage 1
Cottage 2
Fancyhat Manner
Wizards Tower

I think you will agree these are all amazing, and what's more you can see them all for yourself, in the flesh by joining us for two days at Tabletop Gaming Live from 28th to 29th September at Alexandra Palace, London! 

As always, to stay abreast of all the latest Moonstone news why not join the ever growing community over on our Moonstone Players Facebook group?

Until next time,

Goblin King Games

Development Continues
about 5 years ago – Sun, Sep 01, 2019 at 02:11:11 PM

Dear Leshavult Cultists,

Work continues with production of the new models and we have seen that quite a few of you have received your Wave 1 models. 

Wave 1 was for models already made available by our previous Kickstarter, and for those who either ordered only old models from us, or a mixture and included split shipping either as an addon or as part of the pledge. If you have yet to receive your Wave 1 shipment and believe you should have by now, please contact us at [email protected].

In terms of timelines, we are sorry to announce that the mdf terrain has been pushed back to the same delivery date as the Leshavult miniatures. What this means is that if you have ordered mdf terrain as part of, or in conjunction with other Leshavult miniatures, then delivery will be as before for you. If however you ordered only the MDF terrain, or the terrain and Wave 1 items, then your delivery is unfortunately being pushed back.

We are working with TTCombat to get the mdf terrain complete ASAP and hope to have more progress and completion shots for you soon.


You may also be aware that last weekend, Chief Goblin Dan ran a Moonstone tournament at The Games Table

 We are pleased to see the game growing with events popping up as regularly as moonstones on a clear night!

Here are just some of the wonderfully painted troupes that took part!

What is more, Chief Goblin Dan has even put up a series of videos about the games he played, be sure to check them out!  

In other news, work continues with the writing and playtesting for our Book 2. By now most of you who pre-ordered our new Book 2 models (Outlanders and Blood Magic Box Sets) should have these in hand, and to give you a little sneaky-peak, here is the narrative from a Leshavult themed story scenario written by Chief Goblin Dan.

 As always, to stay abreast of all the latest Moonstone news why not join the ever growing community over on our Moonstone Players Facebook group?

Until next time,

Goblin King Games

Leshavult Sculpts Complete!
about 5 years ago – Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 03:17:14 AM

Good Day Moonstone Hunters!

We are very pleased to announce that all Leshavult characters have now been sculpted!

Brother Daniel, Kavanagh the Jongleur and Kalista Leshavult Priestess
Brother Daniel, Kavanagh the Jongleur and Kalista Leshavult Priestess
Loubard the Giant Standard and Kickstarter Exclusive Edition (Inset)
Loubard the Giant Standard and Kickstarter Exclusive Edition (Inset)
Chubs, Gloom and The Jacalope
Chubs, Gloom and The Jacalope
Boris the Bunny Summoner
Boris the Bunny Summoner
Antonia Noonday Witch, Zorya Dawn Witch (inset: Zorya Kickstarter Exclusive Edition) and Danica Dusk Witch
Antonia Noonday Witch, Zorya Dawn Witch (inset: Zorya Kickstarter Exclusive Edition) and Danica Dusk Witch
Inset: Anya Bartol, Stryga Anya, The Beast and The Revenant
Inset: Anya Bartol, Stryga Anya, The Beast and The Revenant

Many of these sculpts have now been 3D printed and have entered production.

We are also now well on our way through dispatching Wave 1 orders from our back catalogue. We hope to be able to announce that this is complete in our next update. If you haven't received your Wave 1 items please rest assured you haven't been forgotten and it's just taking some time to complete all the orders. :)

But that's not all! Can't get enough Moonstone? Well, in parallel with this Leshavult Kickstarter we have also been busy working on some expansion boxes for our two prior factions, the Commonwealth and Dominion. The first two of these new boxes are released direct to retail this month! We are now taking Pre-Orders on our Webstore with a dispatch estimate of 21st August so if you're looking for something to paint while you're waiting for your Leshavult to arrive then look no further!

Blood Magic Troupe Box contains Foxglove, Diana Queen of the Fae and Belladonna
Blood Magic Troupe Box contains Foxglove, Diana Queen of the Fae and Belladonna

 Available now at:

Outlanders Troupe Box contains: Muridae, Joanna Nordic Princess and Loci Nordic Shipwright
Outlanders Troupe Box contains: Muridae, Joanna Nordic Princess and Loci Nordic Shipwright

 Available now at:

As always, to stay abreast of all the latest Moonstone news why not join the ever growing community over on our Moonstone Players facebook group?

Until next time,

Goblin King Games

Wave 1 Shipping, Updated Masters, and more WIP!
about 5 years ago – Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 02:23:29 AM

Dear Cultists,

We're please to announce that as of last week the first batch of 'Wave 1' orders went out into the postal system and are on their way to backers as we write.

To Clarify Wave 1 is made up of items from our back catalogue and does not include the new Leshavult Miniatures or Terrain.

However, this does mean that if you ordered any existing product and either nothing from our new Kickstarter, or added Split Shipping, then you should be getting your first lot of Moonstone goodness knocking on your door very soon! We are dealing with hundreds of orders so please allow us up to 4 weeks to Complete Wave 1 shipping.

But that's not all!

Resin Master Copies 

Yes, we have an update on our Resin Master copies! Here you can see Boris the Bunny Summoner, all 3 Murder Bunnies, Gwendolyn the Leshavult Priestess, Danica the Dusk Witch, and Antonia the Noonday Witch. As you can see, our head developer has worked very hard with our scultpors to keep these down to as few components as possible, where they are either single piece casts, or only two!

Works in Progress

That's right! As well as our resin masters, we also have work in progresses of our scatter terrain!

Scatter Terrain Sets
Scatter Terrain Sets

As you can imagine, adding these to a larger piece of terrain, a display base, or even just by themselves will add a lot of character to your game. We have purposefully designed them to fit in with our Moonstone aesthetic, but also with a wide range of other fantasy themed games. 

But what's this? Yes fellow followers of the word of Leshavit, your friendly neighbourhood bringer of Entropy; Brother Daniel is also on the Work in Progress table, and as you can see is coming along very, very nicely! Just a matter of time until he is rattling his bell and calling on the end of days on your own tabletop!

But wait! What is that? You want more?

Ok, one more!

 Oh my! Yes indeed The Beast is coming along too!

With all this amazing news, how can you hope to keep up to date with everything going on in the world of Moonstone? Easy! Just  join our Moonstone Players Group on Facebook.

Until next time,

Goblin King Games

Goblin Fest '19 Wrap-up
about 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 09, 2019 at 01:53:54 AM

Dear Moonstone Hunters,

This weekend saw our hotly anticipated GoblinFest'19 held at the Roll Dice Convention in Bristol UK, and what a fun weekend it was! 

 With countless demos grabbing yet more new players into the Wonderfully Whimsical Fantasy game of Moonstone, we were also able to test out our two new in development games.


First of which we had Moonreach, the Moonstone Dungeon Crawler, where a small band of heroes venture into the sunken city to seek fame and fortune.

Moonstone The Role Playing Game 

Next up was Moonstone the Role Playing Game, where players get to take on a whole new way of exploring the world of Tauber.  

This was continued well into the night where over drinks and beer many laughs were had and lessons learned.

Moonstone Grand Tournament

On the second day the Moonstone Grand Tournament. Joe Parsons' Goblin Troupe went on to win the day, destroying all comers with wonderful synergy and tactical use of his troupe.

And as no tournament is complete without a Best Painted competition, ours was won by the highly imaginative Riley Shurvinton, who's vibrant Faeries stole the show!

It is safe to say, that fun was had by all, and we hope that next year we can make it bigger, bolder, and better!

As always, if you wish to stay abreast of the latest Moonstone news, and want to share your love of this wonderfully whimsical game, join our Moonstone Players Group on Facebook.

Until next time,

Goblin King Games