
Moonstone Fantasy Skirmish Game - Leshavult Expansion

Created by Goblin King Games

Moonstone - the Wonderfully Whimsical Tabletop Skirmish Game, returns to Kickstarter with a brand new faction!

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Leshavult Character Cards
over 5 years ago – Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 11:42:39 AM

Dearly devoted,

We bring good tidings! At the time of writing we are only £350 short of unlocking our first Troupe Box Stretch Goal - The End is Nigh!

Stat Cards for the End is Nigh! Troupe Box
Stat Cards for the End is Nigh! Troupe Box

What better time to introduce you to the various new rules and playstyles you can enjoy with these new Troupe Boxes? If you're interested in playtesting, or just finding out a little more of what you can expect of these characters on the tabletop head over to the Downloads Page of our website where you can not only download all of our existing resources including a basic rulebook for free, you can also now download the Leshavult Playtest Pack, featuring character cards and paper standees for every Leshavult Character!

And to make it even easier to learn about the awesome abilities on these new characters we highly recommend listening to Mooncast Episode 6: Introducing Leshavult Podcast where head designer Tom talks to host Dan about many of the new characters and their abilities in detail.

Finally we'd be remiss if we didn't once again thank you all for your support. You guys are doing a great job of spreading the word - we really couldn't do any of this without you - keep it up - and lets unlock some more box sets!

Until next time, stay away from gingerbread houses.

-Goblin King Games

over 5 years ago – Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 02:32:10 AM

Good-day inquisitive Leshavite!

As the dawn light shines its beams through the thick forest fog this morning we wake to find the campaign 100% Funded in just 7 hours! What a wonderful start!!!


Now lets talk Stretch Goals!

First up we have Gwendoline, Leshavult Priestess! A faerie, cultist, wizard, taking the role of healer with a twist, she works equally well amongst Leshavult or Traditional Faerie Troupe builds.

Unlike our normal stretch goals, this one in not unlocked by funds raised, but instead by Facebook Shares to help spread the word of our campaign far and wide!

If Unlocked, a Gwendoline Miniature and stat card will be added for FREE for all backers of Leshavult Congregation, Leshavult Horde, Riot in the Streets and Absolutely Everything Pledges!

What's more, backers will get to vote which of the two designs, Willow or Cherry, will be the *Kickstarter EXCLUSIVE* Limited Edition Sculpt with the other design being the Retail Edition!

To get your hands on this miniature simply share this link on your own page or any gaming group page you belong to:

Note there was some confusion around exactly which post needs to be shared yesterday so we will also be counting shares of our Live Now! post as well towards the total:

(And feel free to share both if you wish!)

Until next time, stay safe in those woods, you never know who is watching!

- Goblin King Games