
Moonstone Fantasy Skirmish Game - Leshavult Expansion

Created by Goblin King Games

Moonstone - the Wonderfully Whimsical Tabletop Skirmish Game, returns to Kickstarter with a brand new faction!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Goblinfest, Backerkit, Moonstone Roadmap, and more!
over 5 years ago – Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 02:04:48 AM

Dear Cultists,

We are fast approaching our big event, GoblinFest19, held at  Roll Dice Gaming Convention from Saturday 6th to Sunday 7th July at Bristol UK.

Tickets are still available for this weekend where as well as the usual company stalls and gaming, you can join in our own event of full Moonstoney gaming including our Grand Tournament! The initial 8 places have already been taken, and we have expanded by another 4, taking the full placements up to 12! So grab your tickets now while you can for this!

Other highlights present will involve demo-test games for our in development games such as Moonreach - A Moonstone Dungeon Crawler, and Moonstone the Role Playing Game! 

Our pledge manager handled via Backerkit has now closed and the numbers have been sent to TTCombat to allow for manufacturing to begin.

We wanted to take this opportunity to share some of the facts and figures with you:

2,363: The quantity of individual models ordered from our existing product line. 

6,592: The quantity of new Leshavult models ordered.

1,074: The quantity of Moonstone MDF buildings.

The first of these to be finished will be the existing product line, which we are aiming to begin shipping between 3-4 weeks time. If there are any delays in this, we will be sure to let you know ASAP.


Leshavult Models

Here we have the first of the 3D prints of the models fro Boris the Bunny Summoner, Murder Bunnies, and Antonia the Noonday Witch. These are the first of the 3D prints for our new line, and from these moulds will be made to produce the resin copies that you are due to receive.


Moonstone Roadmap

It has been asked for us to provide a roadmap plan for Moonstone, and we thought "Hey! That's not a bad idea!"

And so we are pleased to let you know, starting August we are due to be releasing our first Non-Kickstarter models which will be available via our online store, as well as through standard retail outlets! Our aim/goal is to release new troupe boxes every 6 weeks from then on. This might sound ambitious, but we figure that if you shoot for the moon, and miss, then you still have the stars to explore!

1). Outlanders 

Gnomes Troupe Box including Joanna, Nordic Princess; Muridae, Gnomish Rogue; and Loci, Nordic Shipwright. 

Estimated Release: August 2019

2). Blood Magic

Faerie Troupe Box including Dianna Queen of the Fae, Foxglove and Belladonna.

Estimated Release: September 2019

3). Rags to Riches 

Human Troupe Box including Kaufman the Merchant, Natty the Slum Thief and Gertude the Faerie Hunter. 

Estimated Release: November 2019

4). Booty's Bilge 

Goblin Pirates Troupe Box including El Capitano, Swiggarty Swooty and Crusty Balboa. 

Estimated Release: January 2020

5). Moonstone Book 2 (Including rules & background for the above models including the Leshavult, new scenarios, campaign rules, and yet more!).

Estimated Release: March-May 2020

For those interested, we are even able to share renders of some of these characters in development right now alongside this Kickstarter!

Muridae, Gnome Rogue
Muridae, Gnome Rogue
Foxglove, Faerie Wizard
Foxglove, Faerie Wizard
Gertrude the Faerie Hunter
Gertrude the Faerie Hunter

As always, if you wish to stay abreast of the latest Moonstone news, and want to share your love of this wonderfully whimsical game, join our Moonstone Players Group on Facebook.

Until next time,

Goblin King Games

GoblinFest, UKGamesExpo, and more!
over 5 years ago – Sun, Jun 09, 2019 at 11:11:53 AM

Greetings hoarders of Moonstones,

First for those yet to do so, an urgent reminder that you need to complete your Backerkit Questionnaire RIGHT AWAY. Backerkit accounts will be closed and locked on 15th June 2019, and any questionnaires that are left incomplete will not be included in our production numbers or packing lists and will result in a very significant delay in you receiving your items! The pledge manager is also the very last opportunity to get your hands on the Limited Edition Miniatures from this Kickstarter. You have been warned! ;)


Goblin Fest at Roll Dice Gaming Convention 

Coming up very soon, Saturday 6th to Sunday 7th July in fact, we have GoblinFest, a celebration of indie-games including our very own Moonstone, which is being hosted at Roll Dice Gaming Convention in Bristol, United Kingdom! Here you will be able to try a number of special events including play-testing the still in-development games of the Moonreach; the Moonstone Dungeon Crawler, Moonstone the Role Playing Game, and Moonstone the Board Game! All of this will be taking place on Saturday the 6th July.

Should you be interested however in the first Moonstone Grand Tournament, taking place at Roll Dice Gaming Convention on Sunday 7th July then you are going to want to snap up your own separate ticket for that. You will not want to miss this! Tournament Tickets are available from our webstore for only £5, which grantees you 3 Games and includes a Free Drunk Fritz as a welcome gift during enrolment and a further prize for the winner selected from our on site Moonstone Shop. More information on the tournament can be found here. Spaces are limited so secure your ticket now! 


Terrain Prototypes

There has been a lot of discussion about our MDF terrain from the Kickstarter being manufactured by TTCombat. For those of you unfamiliar, TTCombat are one of the world leading designers in MDF terrain, and have produced a staggaring range of terrain suitable for games such as Dropzone Commander, Batman the miniatures game, Infinity, and now Moonstone!

No doubt most of you will be familiar with our prototype for Cottage 1 we were able to get ready for the Kickstarter, but now we have in-development prototypes for many of the over buildings ready to show off.

Fancyhat's Townhouse:

Agatha's Stone Moon Tavern:

Wizard's Outpost:

All of these are still work in processes, and adjustments and alterations will be made between now and completion, but as you can see, they are coming along and looking to be extremely worthwhile to any fantasy themed board.


New Sculpts

Work is still continuing on our characters for the Leshavult themselves, and hot off the sculpting press, we are immensely proud to unveil The Revenant and Gloom

The Revenant sculpted by Tom Lishman
The Revenant sculpted by Tom Lishman

This jolly chap has been sculpted by none other than Tom Lishman, who as always has knocked this character right out of the park, with the attention to detail, such as water droplets on his clothes, his broken arm and leg, and not forgetting the extremely emotional face. It is clear that this will be not only a beautiful model to own, but a true joy to paint.

Gloom Sculpted by Tom Lishman
Gloom Sculpted by Tom Lishman


UK Games Expo

Last weekend the goblins of Eclipse City descended on the streets of Birmingham for the UK's largest tabletop games convention, the UK Games Expo. During this time a total of 25,704 people crossed the threshold and enjoyed a variety of games, from board games, to card games. And a fair number of those got to play our very own Moonstone!

As always, if you wish to stay abreast of the latest Moonstone news, and want to share your love of this wonderfully whimsical game, join our Moonstone Players Group on Facebook.

Until next time,

Goblin King Games

Backerkit Live, Sculpts, UKGE & More!
over 5 years ago – Sat, May 25, 2019 at 03:22:34 AM

Dear Followers of Leshavit,

By now you should have received your email inviting you to complete your Backerkit survey. 

If not, we advise you to check your spam email folder or go to

The Backerkit Pledge Manager is remaining open until Saturday 15th of June, when all responses will be locked and cards charged. For this reason it is extremely important that, if you have not already, you complete your Backerkit ASAP.

If you have any issues, we will help where we can, but you are advised to contact Backerkit directly on, [email protected] who will be able to help in greater detail than us.

Now, no doubt you are curious to see the fruits on the Kickstarter campaign, and we are immeasurably proud to show case the completed renders for the Witch in Time troupe box! 

For those curious, this box is a Kickstarter Exclusive as it will include both the standard pose for Zorya, as well as her more dynamic alternative pose. At retail, the alternative sculpt will not be included.

Next up, for those attending the U.K. Games Expo in Birmingham from Friday 31st May, to Sunday 2nd June, we will be there alongside TTCombat to provide demos, as well as having all of our currently available product available to purchase!

If you have yet to play the game, this is the perfect opportunity to do so on our beautiful, custom made board as seen at our latest appearance at Diceni in Norwich:

If however you are unable to make the U.K. Games Expo, why not come to Roll Dice Gaming on Saturday 6th to Sunday 7th July in Bristol, where we will be hosting our own mini event; GoblinFest! 

Set to host demo games for all of our existing, as well as upcoming games, a tournament, and casual play. GoblinFest is set to be a true celebration of independent gaming!

As always, if you wish to stay abreast of the latest Moonstone news, and want to share your love of this wonderfully whimsical game, join our Moonstone Players Group on Facebook.

Until next time,

Goblin King Games

Backerkit Smoke Test Sent!
over 5 years ago – Tue, May 14, 2019 at 11:40:45 PM

Dear Loyal Cultists,

Thank you for your patience! Our Backerkit Pledge Manager has now passed all our checks and we have sent out a smoke test to the first 5% of backers this morning. If you get an email from Backerkit today then you are one of the 5%! Lucky you. ;)

 Please do let us know as soon as possible if you have any problems with the Pledge manager using the help link within the pledge manager or via email to [email protected]. Assuming the smoke test runs smoothly, as we anticipate it will, then the rest of the Pledge Manager email invites will be sent tomorrow!

And if you just can't wait and want to be one of our Pledge Manager Pioneers then you can jump ahead now using this link, entering your Kickstarter email address and hitting the 'Get My Survey' button.

Once you have your Survey Link it's very important that you complete your Backerkit information as soon as possible, as without this information we are unable to know what add-ons you may want, or the address to post your pledges to!

The Pledge Manger will be open for 4 weeks and as such we anticipate it to close on 15 June 2019.  After this point we will be locking down production quantities and placing orders so it will not be possible to make changes other than your address after this point. 

During this time the Backerkit will be available for late pledges, so if you have a friend who wants in on this campaign and has not been able to back yet, now is the time to grab them and get them involved!  Late Backers should us this link:

An important note on **Split Shipping**

After making your add-on selections, if your order contains a mixture of existing products (from our Catch-Up range) and new items (from our Leshavult and Terrain ranges) then by default all will be sent together once everything is ready to minimise your postage costs. If you'd prefer to receive items from the Catch-up range as soon as possible (estimated to ship approximately 1 month after the close of the Pledge Manager) and the remainder when its ready toward the end of the year then please add the ***Split Shipping*** add-on. This add-on makes a small supplement to your postage to cover the two shipping waves and alerts us to include your items in the early release wave. Backers who have selected the Absolutely EVERYTHING!! pledge level have split shipping already included and so do not need to do this.

Once again - If you have any problems or questions don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] so that we can assist you. :)


Work in Progress Sculpts

In other news, work is well underway on new sculpts! These are all still a Work in Progress but are shaping up nicely!

Gwendoline, Leshavult Priestess. Kickstarter Exclusive Pose.
Gwendoline, Leshavult Priestess. Kickstarter Exclusive Pose.
Antonia, Noonday Witch from the Witch in Time Troupe Box
Antonia, Noonday Witch from the Witch in Time Troupe Box
Chubs, from the Wild Things Troupe Box
Chubs, from the Wild Things Troupe Box


Join the Community

Is there anything in particular you are most excited about receiving from this campaign? Why not join in with the active discussions going on right now at the  Moonstone Players Facebook Group and share with the enthusiasm and talent of the other members.  

Speaking of enthusiasm and talent, here is a selection of photos from the Players Group showcasing some of the clever ideas and beautiful paint jobs that our wonderful community members have shared with us:

Doug the Flatulent by David Whitworth
Doug the Flatulent by David Whitworth
Moonstone Terrain by Christopher Norris
Moonstone Terrain by Christopher Norris
A Duel by Sunrise, by Ady Roxburgh
A Duel by Sunrise, by Ady Roxburgh

Until next time,

Goblin King Games

New Look Loubard - Standard and KS Exclusive!
over 5 years ago – Sat, May 04, 2019 at 12:57:22 AM

Good-day Leshavit's Chosen!

We've taken all of the feedback we've received from backers and gone back to the drawing board with Loubard.

As part of the design process for the Kickstarter exclusive pose, we have also made some changes to the standard edition too - this replaces the previous concept art (which will be used at a later stage as part of a Halloween Special Edition Box set of Limited Edition Alternate sculpts with some of your favourite Moonstone Characters getting a Horror themed makeover).

Let us know what you think of the new designs in the comments!

We realise some people are going to want to get their hands on both copies and so rather than having you all vote for a favourite any backers who have Loubard as part of their pledge will be asked which version: Standard Edition or Kickstarter Exclusive, you want to receive. If you like the look of both versions, you'll be able to add-on additional copies of Loubard the Giant, making a different selection if you wish, or just stocking up on extra copies of what is sure to become a collectors piece down the line!

We're just finalising the last few details in Pledge Manager including updating with this artwork, double checking postage rates with our shipping handler and sandbox testing so you can expect to see your customised invite in your inbox very soon!

Until next time,

Goblin King Games