
Moonstone Fantasy Skirmish Game - Leshavult Expansion

Created by Goblin King Games

Moonstone - the Wonderfully Whimsical Tabletop Skirmish Game, returns to Kickstarter with a brand new faction!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit Incoming!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 09:58:23 AM

Attention followers of the Leshavult! 

Firstly, you shall all be pleased to know that the Goblin King has been busy as a badger these past couple of weeks, and everything is on track to bring the Pledge Manager to you all in roughly one week’s time! 

For the Pledge Manager we will be calling on the services of BackerKit, a 3rd party pledge manager platform which has worked great for us on our previous two campaigns, so look out for an email from Backerkit shortly to confirm all your options, postage and complete your orders. 

For those of you who have ridden the Goblin King’s battle-wagon before, these updates will be nothing new for you, but for those to whom the glow of a Moonstone is a strange and new sensation, we want to assure you that these updates will be coming to you every two weeks where we will provide you with hopefully new and exciting information, behind the scenes reveals, and – Leshavit forbid – any unfortunate information regarding problems encountered or possible cause for delays. 


Kavanagh the Jongleur
Kavanagh the Jongleur

Our first sculpt from the new range is very nearly complete, just a few tweeks remaining to complete it, and we have several other sculpts in the works, including the Kickstarter Exclusive Gwendoline (Willow Aspect)!


Work is also ongoing with alternate art for Loubard the Giant, backers choice for the 2nd Limited Edition alternate sculpt following Zorya (who is also being sculpted as we speak!). Loubard has been something of a challenge - we have taken on board all feedback received during the campaign and have gone right back to the drawing board considering all aspects of the design. We're sharing some ideas on the Moonstone players group and once we have a firm direction we will reveal it here as a Kickster update.


Talking of the Facebook Players Group, it has grown from strength and now boasts over 500 members!

As well as being a great place to hang out, chat Moonstone, and exchange ideas on tactics, it is also a wonderful place for finding other players painted models or share your own! Here just are a few examples from this last week alone.

Fritz, Boulder, Doug the Flatulent and Friar Flavious by Jason Le Peintre
Fritz, Boulder, Doug the Flatulent and Friar Flavious by Jason Le Peintre
Beaky Bobby by Jazz Mike
Beaky Bobby by Jazz Mike
Humans and Goblins by Seb De Falco
Humans and Goblins by Seb De Falco
Goblin troupe by Mark Bonatti
Goblin troupe by Mark Bonatti
Human Troupe by Jack Middleton
Human Troupe by Jack Middleton

We love seeing how each painter takes on these models to create a different outcome, it really is a pleasure for us to see. 

We hope to bring more painted examples to you in future updates, so if you have anything you would like featured, hit us up!

Until next time,

Goblin King Games

2nd Backer Voted KS Exclusive Sculpt - UNLOCKED!
over 5 years ago – Sat, Apr 27, 2019 at 10:53:04 AM

Jubilations Moonstone Hunter!

Our final stretch goal has been unlocked! 

This means that once again we need your vote! Let us know in the comments below which of the remaining characters you would like to see get a Kickstarter Exclusive Alternate Sculpt. Check out our FAQ for details on the voting process and what to expect!

To whet your appetite of the possibilities take a look at some of the rough sketches that were created during the early stages our design process for the new faction. Working with our artist Shane Cook on new character concepts is one of the most exciting and rewarding aspects of creating Moonstone so we wanted to thank him for his wonderful work and share with you a little on how much goes into perfecting these characters behind the scenes!

Please note we're showing these sketches for historical interest mainly - we won't be making dramatic alternations to redesign a character completely but the character you choose will get a brand new pose (and possibly changes in clothing or accessories).


So what's next, you ask? All stretch goals are met aren't they?! Well, we have decided our next stretch goal at £35k will be a Leshavult Themed Resin Scatter-Terrain Pack, including some haunted trees, Witches Cauldron and Creepy Sign posts to liven up your game boards! This will be an add-on and we are still working on artwork and price but were also starting to get very excited about the possibilities so let us know your ideas!

Until next time, don't forget to stretch!

-Goblin King Games

Find the Familiar Competition - Winners!
over 5 years ago – Sat, Apr 27, 2019 at 05:01:41 AM

Good day Moonstone hunters!

I hope you enjoyed the celebrations last night as much as we did! I gather Agatha's Tavern was drank dry! One last time - Thank you all for your support! We could not make this game without you!

Now, for our competition winners! We had some fabulous and creative entires that may give us ideas for the future but the correct answers to the competition were in fact:

  • Antonia, Noonday Witch - Mouse
  • Zorya, Dawn Witch - Frog
  • Danika, Dusk Witch - Snail

The creatures were hidden very small on the artwork all along but you'd have to have a very keen eye to spot them all!  Danika's snail, hardest to find has sadly perished, not blessed with the very long life-span of its owner, but the old shell still contains some magic!

An impressive 23 Backers answered correctly in the end so well done you! However there can only be two winners and by random draw those are:

Ken Howard (Backer #256) and Michael David Lima (Backer #289)!

Congratulations both! A set of Dankwood Forest Scatter terrain will be added to your pledge for free!

Until next time, we hope you have a little friend nearby that gives you strength (and aids in your dark rituals,  naturally).

-Goblin king Games


Competition time - Find the Familiar!
over 5 years ago – Sat, Apr 27, 2019 at 04:57:02 AM

Greetings Moonstone Hunters,

PLEASE NOTE: This is very early stage concept sketch-work, just to give an idea and not final artwork!
PLEASE NOTE: This is very early stage concept sketch-work, just to give an idea and not final artwork!

To celebrate the unlocking of our First Scatter Terrain Pack - Dankwood Forest, we are throwing a little competition!

Competition: Find the Familiar

Backers have until the campaign ends tomorrow to tell us what creature each of our three Witches has as her familiar! If you need a clue click this link. If you think you've got the right answer drop us a Private Message, so not to give the game away to others!

Two winners will be randomly selected from all those who can provide us with the right answer!

Good Luck!!


Now I mentioned earlier that we had too many ideas for scatter terrain for just one pack so have decided to split out the ideas into themed packs with our Longbottom Village and McBoom's Farmstead packs locked for now.

PLEASE NOTE: This is very early stage concept sketch-work, just to give an idea and not final artwork!
PLEASE NOTE: This is very early stage concept sketch-work, just to give an idea and not final artwork!
PLEASE NOTE: This is very early stage concept sketch-work, just to give an idea and not final artwork!
PLEASE NOTE: This is very early stage concept sketch-work, just to give an idea and not final artwork!

Backers can add any of the terrain sets we are lucky enough to unlock, to any pledge level for £15 each. 

Until next time, find those familiars!

-Goblin King Games

What to Expect Next
over 5 years ago – Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 12:48:50 PM

Good Day Moonstone Hunters!

Many of you are Kickstarter veterans but for just as many this may be your first time so we wanted to write to let you know what to expect next.

It takes around two weeks for Kickstarter to process your payments. I can see the majority of payments have gone through already but around 10% are errored at the moment. This is often due to security interventions from your bank so do please pay attention to messages from your bank over the next week along the lines of 'unusual payment blocked'. Payments that are blocked by your bank will unfortunetly result in the pledges being cancelled. If you're unsure about anything please do contact us so that we can assist you!

In the mean time, we will begin work on a Pledge Manager, most likely built within a very popular third party application called Backerkit (its far more powerful and configurable than the free one built into Kickstarter and has worked well for us in the past). The Pledge Manager is a lot like an online store, that will be pre-loaded with your pre-paid funds. It will ask a short survey about what options you want included, allow you to add additional items, and present you with a final bill that covers any additions made plus calculated postage based on your location and items included in the final order.

You should expect to receive an email from Backerkit to the email address registered with Kickstarter in around 3 weeks time with a unique link that you can click on to enter. It will ask you to sign in with your Kickstarter username and password the first time you visit to confirm your identity.

We realise this can all be daunting the first time around but its actually all quite quick and painless! As always, reach out to us if you're unsure of any of the steps!

Until next time,

Goblin King Games